
When you look to water for help: Hydrotherapy will come to your aid! Any method that uses water to treat a variety of symptoms throughout your body is hydrotherapy (Water therapy). It can be as simple as taking a warm bath at home.

Hip bath 

A bath in which a person sits the hips immersed in water. The purpose is to relieve discomfort in the perineal region. Soaking the area in warm water relieves and sphincter, which increases blood flow through anal tissues.


This promotes healing and reduces the pain itching irritation felt due to various health conditions. Generally indicated in hemorrhoids, irregularmenstruation, rectalprolapse, haematuria, cystitis, and related ailments.



Spinal bath

This bath provides a smoothening effect on the spinal column and hence Central Nervous System gets relaxed and rejuvenated. Mild and moderate nervous tissues in the human can be effectively treated by this and measures that have absolutely no side effects.


Spinal bath has gained immense popularity in naturopathy among people because, in this currentday super-stressed scenario,the spinal bath benefits people with stress,irritation,insomnia,etc.,


Immersion bath

A type ofbath in which the ailing body parts are immersed. A simple, safe, economic, non-invasive, and effective one for various health disorders. This is a wonderful, relaxing, enjoyable therapy that gives relief from pain and stress, by improving circulation and toning up the body.


Hot foot bath

It is advantageous for the natural healing of the body conditions such as arthritis, blood circulation problems, symptoms of menopause, etc., and more. A localized bath that covers the feet and ankles within the water temperature prescribed as per individual ailments. Hot water helps increase blood flow to the foot area, detoxifying areas of the body that needs healing. More soaking your feet in hot water helps you strengthen immunity, reduce inflammation, and serves the anti- bacterial property.


Jet bath

It provides an instant refreshing effect. This bath uses water to relieve discomfort and promote physical well-being by massaging your body. It relieves tension, reduces cellulitis, rheumatism, and arthritis, increases blood circulation, and stimulates lymphatic drainage.


A procedure that has been used for years to treat constipation and all types of chronic health issues. This involves the injection of fluids to cleanse/stimulate the emptying of the bowel. The golden age of enemas in America was in the early 1900s when hospitals and doctors used enemas to relieve headaches, fatigue, body odour, and even bad breath. An enema was once a routine part of the deliveryof a baby.

Enema can also be taken by self if the individual is skilled with much experience and no discomfort.



The composition of the liquid employed in enema varies with conditions.

One of the oldest therapies and it is being practiced all around the world. It can be called an act of applying pressure on various parts of the body in order to release stress from painful conditions.Usually, hands and fingers are used for this purpose.And also various movements are used in order to produce a great physiological effect.

In massage, the therapist

“Touch the body, heal the mind and calm the spirit!”.


The aim is to stimulate blood circulation in specific areas, release muscle tension and improve mobility. A combination of holistic techniques is ideal for people who are constantly on the move and who do not have enough time to spend an hour or Increased time on full body massage.


As the name suggests, full body massage works on your entire body from head to toe.

A Therapeutic experience that will leave the body feeling relieved. It usually takes 15 minutes to alleviate pain, promote relaxation, relieve stress, and much more. A 60 minutes full body massage is as same as 7 - 8 hours of sleep to your body.



“Let food be thy Medicine and Medicine by thy food.”

-      Hippocrates

Diet refers to the sum of food consumed by a person. It is our responsibility to ensure the specific intake of nutrients for health. Naturopathy classifies diet into three main categories:


Diet therapy portraits, that must be consumed in natural form.

Naturopathy gives primary importance to diet. It believes that a change in dietary habits can bring about remarkable changes in the health of a person.

  1. Eliminative:A phase was the elimination takes place to have a favourable body condition free from toxins and morbid matter. Foods that are eliminative in nature are large of this kind which includes water, vegetables, or fruit juices
  1. Soothening: When a person is subjected to elimination, he or she tends to get tired or weak. Also the digestive system after the resting stage during elimination not able to accommodate or digest normal food. Hence digestive system has to be Smoothened to get prepared for normal Notonly that during elimination there is a possibility of heat production in the body which has to be counted. The foods include boiled vegetables, Fruits, etc,
  2. Constructive: The normal food habit of a person devoid of oils fat spices and unnatural foods. The preferred foods include sprouts, salad,etc,



A Very simple and effective treatment modality. The mud used should be clean. Undertaken from 3 to 4 feet depth from the surface of the ground. There should not be any contamination.



It is a complete detox therapy that contains minerals like sulphur zinc magnesium bromide Which are set to draw out impurities from the skin, exfoliate dead cells and relax some muscles and joints.The mud is applied completely all over the body surface.


Application around the affected area can cure increased heat and cool down the body from the inside.Mud packets are typically used for local applications.



It involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at specific points on your body. They are believed to Stimulate the central nervous system in turn releases chemicalsinto the muscle, spinal cord, and brain.

These biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and improve physical and emotional well-being.

Acupuncture treats everything from pain to infertility. There are more than 2000 Acupuncture points. These points are located from head to toe and are connected by the acupuncture Meridian system.

It is an individual treatment centered on our patient’s needs.




A treatment to restore, maintain and improve a patient's mobility, function, and well-being. A kind of physical therapy that involves a holistic approach to the prevention, diagnosis, and therapeutic management of pain disorders of movement or optimization of function. It includes exercises designed to improve movement and strength in a specific part of the body, these usually need to be repeated regularly for a set length of time.




A method that uses the visible spectrum(colours) of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases. Acentury-old concept used successfully over years to cure various diseases.

“Colours is a power which directly influences the mind”


 Simple energy made visibly is colour. It stimulates or inhibits the functioning of different parts of our body. Treatment with appropriate colour can restore balance and normal functioning.




“We are as young as our spine is flexible”

Individual Yoga:

This makes the doer much more comfortable for practice.

These classes usually begin with breathing exercises and gentle stretches followed by a series of individual poses and final relaxation. We should practice gettinggood results on tailoring individual yoga practice which improves sleep quality, fatigue, anxiety, and depression in chronic insomnia disorders.

Group Yoga:

Group yoga practice is where participant practices yoga together to form the poses. Working on asanas as a group allows us to build a shared energy that’s really inspiring. Group yoga provides a sense of harmony and connection that really enhances the Wellness experience. We employ experienced instructors to create the perfect yoga class to match the needs of our participants.